Case Report

Successful Endovascular Rescue Using the Brockenbrough Needle Following Inadvertent Stent-Graft Deployment in the False Lumen


Inadvertent deployment of stent grafts into the false lumen during thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) is rare and is associated with catastrophic consequences. We present a case of accidental stent-graft deployment from the true lumen into the false lumen during TEVAR, resulting in hemodynamic collapse and visceral malperfusion. We successfully performed a bailout using the Brockenbrough needle to create new access from the true lumen to the false lumen and implanted another overlapping stent graft.

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IssueVol 17 No 3 (2022): J Teh Univ Heart Ctr QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
TEVAR False lumen implantation Brockenbrough needle Endovascular rescue

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How to Cite
Rasalkar P, Vemuri K, Bootla D, Revaiah P, Mishra A, Dahiya N, Ghosh S, Barwad P. Successful Endovascular Rescue Using the Brockenbrough Needle Following Inadvertent Stent-Graft Deployment in the False Lumen. J Tehran Heart Cent. 2022;17(3):147-151.